Ryan F. Mandelbaum

Ryan F. Mandelbaum is a science writer whose work has appeared in The Washington Post, The Atlantic, Scientific American, Popular Science and elsewhere. They singlehandedly created the birding vertical at the science and technology magazine Gizmodo (seriously; Google “birdmodo”). Prior to pursuing journalism, Ryan managed healthcare software implementations, analyzed particle collisions as an undergraduate researcher at the Large Hadron Collider, and even sang opera professionally! These days, you can find Ryan in Brooklyn’s farthest reaches looking for rare birds to photograph, in the kitchen trying to make vegetables taste like meat, or maybe even on a boat somewhere hoping to spot a Bermuda petrel. Ryan’s favorite bird is the red crossbill, thanks to its infinitely interesting evolutionary relationship to the cone-bearing trees that support it.

Ryan is currently at work, with illustrator Chelsea Beck, on a book titled Wild NYC: A Guide for Walkin’ Here, to be published in 2025 by Timber Press (North America).

Instagram: @ryanfmandelbaum
X: @ryanfmandelbaum
eyy i’m walkin here – a Substack newsletter about nature and cities