
Philip Jaekl

Philip Jaekl is a cognitive neuroscientist and science writer. Aside from his academic publications, he has written on topics related to neuroscience for The Atlantic, Aeon, The Guardian, New York Magazine and Wired. Jaekl completed his BA and PhD at York University in Toronto, specializing in the Brain Behaviour and Cognitive Science program, and then went on to do postdoctoral research in Barcelona, Spain (within Salvador Soto Faraco’s Multisensory Research Group at Pompeu Fabra University), and in Rochester, New York (within Duje Tadin’s Tadin Lab at the University of Rochester), concerning how the brain combines information from different senses.

Jaekl and his wife now live in Tromsø, Norway, at about 70 degrees latitude in the high Arctic, where they enjoy mountain hiking, snowboarding, photography and fishing. Despite all evidence to the contrary, Jaekl does enjoy the sensation of warmth just as much as cold, whether it comes from the sun, a fire or a tasty meal.


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